Monday, October 4, 2010

My book shelf

 As you may or may not know I read a lot, I read very fast, I would say I read like a demon; that's if demons read. I think they do.
A little while ago I promised to write a book review or at least a recommendation every week. Well things got in the way and I didn't do it.
So now I'm going too.
I was going to list all the books I've read since the start of the year but then I looked around the house to the places where books live & decided that a picture would do.  Then I'll just pick one or a series and tell you about it.
How does that sound?
X Kerri


  1. I am the opposite, I read very little, apart from blogs!

  2. What a collection of books! Mine is similar, but I need a new bookshelf so there are a lot stacked up on one another.

  3. Wow! That's a lot of books you have read! Enjoy a lovely day, Kellie xx


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